Codes of Conduct 3 of 3

3. Code of Conduct for Parents

In addition to our Club Code of Conduct that all members and supporters of the Club are expected to follow, we have some specific guidelines for parents to follow in order that we can meet our obligations to provide a safe environment, to comply with our policies for Equity in Sport and to abide by the spirit and laws of the game.

1. Immediately upon their child(ren) taking part in rugby activities, parents/carers must supply contact details to managers, including contacts to be used in an emergency and any relevant medical conditions;

2. Parents/carers must ensure that a membership form is completed and subscriptions are paid within one month of the start of the season or from the date of joining the Club;

3. You are requested to notify the clubs of any change of details i.e. email address, contact number, change of address etc as and when it happens. Please notify your manager and advise them to update the details with the membership secretary;

4. Encourage your child(ren) to be familiar with the laws of the game and play within them, actively discourage unfair play and arguing with officials and help your child(ren) to recognise good performance, not just results;

5. Set a good example by publicly accepting officials' judgements and recognising fair play and applauding good performances whether on our own side or in opposing teams;

6. Never force your child(ren) to take part in sport and never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes;

7. Support your child(ren)'s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport;

8. Use correct and proper language at all times;

9. Encourage and guide performers to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour.

Please ensure that you adhere to the above points. The club may take action against any individual(s) in line with RFU guidelines if breaches occur.