Codes of Conduct 2 of 3

2. Code of Conduct for Children and Young People

In addition to our Club Code of Conduct that all members and supporters of the Club are expected to follow, we have some specific guidelines and rules on conduct that children and young people are expected to follow in order that we can meet our obligations to provide a safe environment, to comply with our policies for Equity in Sport and to look after our premises and equipment.

1. During training/playing sessions, junior members should respect the authority of their coaches, managers and other volunteers and comply with any reasonable instructions as far as can be expected in consideration of their age.

2. Members must respect the rights dignity and worth of all participants, regardless of gender, race, religion cultural background or ability. Bullying will not be tolerated at the Club.

3. Members must play within the rules of the game and respect officials and their decisions regardless of whether they think that they are right or wrong.

4. Members must turn up on time and play in kit that is approved by the RFU must have a gumshield when playing the contact game. It is advised for younger age groups to get used to gumshields before contact is introduced. If you wear braces then please consult your dentist.

5. As we are situated on an island, children and young people should not stray into the wooded areas around the perimeter of the ground, unless they are being supervised by an adult, e.g. to retrieve a ball.

6. Likewise, there are some outbuildings, huts and machinery that are unsafe between the Clubhouse and the boundary with the Water Company and these are also out of bounds.

7. Children and young people should not tamper or play with any equipment or materials around the ground that are not specifically being used under supervision during training/playing sessions.

8. Boots and dirty kit should not be worn inside the Clubhouse, including the tea room.

Members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the Child Safeguarding Officer (see Junior contacts list)