Under 16s
Sun 15 Jan 2012
Weybridge Vandals RFC
Under 16s
A bad day away in the cold

A bad day away in the cold

Peter Wellden16 Jan 2012 - 09:04
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lots to learn and work on this week

Not much to be said apart from the desire didnt seem to be there in all. Twickenham win the sledging award as they talked Vandals off of the pitch for most of the game.

That said we will encounter this a lot when we go higher up the leagues. Twickenham are in Herts & Middlesex 3 and deserve to be in a higher equivalient league than us.

The coaches kept to the plan of squad rotation in friendlies so everyone had a taster of a strong game. Slightly disappointing that the desire wasnt there from all, maybe due to the cold, maybe due to the fact that it was a friendly.

No excuses for the loss as the squad simply wasnt as good on the day as the opposition. We can make excuses about the ref (even though he had a very good game), we can make excuses about the language and also the size of a couple of the opposition but the fact remains if you dont all want to win and work as a team then you will lose.

Everyone has a specific job to do and when things go wrong it may seam easy to blame others. That is not the way the squad works. You have to pull together and you have to work 110%. You put the team first and yourself second, if not then you let the team down.

You played well in parts and is is that we will work on in training.

This is the low point now for the season so please make sure that you arrive on Wednesday ready to start for 75 mins at 7pm. 6.45 for anyone who wants specific positional skills.

P.S. take a look at the great pictures Scott took and see if you can see what was going wrong??!?!?

Match details

Match date

Sun 15 Jan 2012



Meet time



Smart Casual as friendly. 10.00 meet on the pitch once changed for warm up. Food afterwards so make every effort to stay please.
Team overview
Further reading