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“Six Nations” city lunch fundraising success

“Six Nations” city lunch fundraising success

Stuart Howkins8 Mar - 07:28

Another fantastic event for the Vandals family and we smashed our fundraising target.

On Friday 21st February we held our annual 6 Nations “City lunch” fundraiser at the club.

It was another fantastic event for the Vandals family and I’m pleased to report that we smashed our fundraising target. Thanks to a lot of hard work and the generosity of the 120 people who attended, the event made an amazing £27,000 profit!!.

These much needed funds raised will enable us to continue to invest in improving our rugby equipment and clubhouse facilities for our players, members and guests. The rugby section will now be able to purchase the two mobile floodlights which will allow us to rotate our training pitches during the winter. We will also now be able to complete the disabled toilet/baby changing room which will benefit all sections of the club.

This result means that the two big fundraising events we have held this financial year The Summer Ball (£25k) and the "City lunch" (£27k) have bought in £52,000.

I hope this shows once again the potential we have as a club if everyone pulls in the same direction.

Special thanks to MC and head auctioneer Simon Greenhill who once again gave his time freely to the club and our guest speakers International referee Karl Dickson, the world’s most capped 7s player “Big Red” James Rodwell and Scotland and Lions centre Chris Harris who were fantastic panelists. Finally a big thank you to everyone who donated lots to our auction?

As well as raising funds for the club it was great to be able to present a cheque for £1410 to Simon for our club charity the cardio screening for young athletes charity CRY from the money that was raised at our Christmas lunch and was generously matched by Krik and Anna Krikorian. The money we are raising will go towards a cardio screening event at the club later this year.

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