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Owesome Owls

Owesome Owls

Peter Wellden26 Oct 2010 - 14:04

Courtesy of Lats! It was once famously said .. " Never in a single conflict, have so many owed so much , to so few "

1.Phil Demson Man of The Match
2.Mike Latimer Man Of The Match
3.Mike Archer Man of The Match
4.Chris Ayling Man Of The Match
5.Paul Hollingshead Man of The Match * Try
6.Jim Gerty Man Of The Match
7.Gareth Own Man Of The Match
8.Mike Cox Man Of The Match * Try
9.James Crosby Man Of The Match * Try
10.Huw Thomas Man Of The Match
11.Mark Surgue Man Of The Match
12.Brian Cameron Man Of The Match
13.Paul Mills New Bumper and radiator.
14.Eddie Murphy ( Dorking/Hollywood )

Weybridge Vandals Owls travelled down to Dorking in the League on Saturday . As you can see, we struggled to put out a full strength team this week , due to injuries, work/family commitments.
I'm determined this season not to cancel games, but in future if we don't have numbers by Thursday night , we will , as this helps the other club teams .Just a note the 2nd's and 3rd's both played with 14 players and also won .

Unfortunately before the game kicked off, Paul Mills managed to prang his motor and was unable to make the game, what should have bee 13 players, lucky for some , was not down to 12. So the Vandals "Super 12's" took to the field not daunted one bit. Dorking lent us a player ( Eddie Murphy )and agreed to play with 14 . But I was informed after the game , that they managed to squeeze on a extra player onto the already 'heavily congested' field . How the eagle eyed ref, who can spot my hands in the ruck from 20 meters away did not spot this, I don't know . So it was 13 players to Dorking's 15 .

Dorking opened the scoring early on, seems to be the Vandals way to welcome all opo teams with a good start . This was the first try Dorking had scored for the season. So now playing a team with the sniff of their first victory, playing up hill but with the wind in our favour we started to battle and to take some control. Though we needed to work on our basics, some wayward passing into deepest , darkest space by Latimer was not helpful. This was soon corrected. Mike Cox's kicking form hand was sublime , time and time again he pinned them back inside Dorking's 22. With Chris Ayling in total control of the line out, it was a perfect option. Owen shipping quick ball to the backs enabled time and time again penetrating runs at Dorking . Great work for Huw and Mark helped put Croz in for a top try .

Another awesome kick to touch from Cox saw us 10 meters out from their line . Paul Hollingshead stole Dorking's throw in and waded through Dorking's defence to crash over the line . Top try !
With 10 mins to go the score was 10- 7.
I can only put Dorking's late try down to sheer fatigue on our part, now playing against 15 players. Determined not to see Victory slip for our grasp, Vandals Dunkirk spirit game to the fore and we stepped up another gear ,throwing everything we had at them . Dorking battled on but the pressure starting to take hold , spilling paces and now through Mike Archer and Phil Demson , Vandals had taken control of the scrum ( fact playing down hill with Newton's 1st Law of Gravity was beneficial ) , free wheeling every time on Dorking's put in .
This set us up for a turned over scrum at 30 meters out from Dorking's try line . Quick scrummage ball from Owen saw Cox twinkle toe in right down the centre of the field, beating the full back to score under the posts . Vandals failed to take the conversion and the match finished with Vandals as victors, 15-14 !
It was a fantastic game to play in and a extremely spirited performance from the Owls.

Every player on the filed deserved to be Man Of The Match . Well stuck in guys .

We now have two wins on the trot . Long may this continue.

Shame no games until Farnham at home on the 4th December. Please rest up, we are heavily depleted by injury . I'm awaiting our next cup fixture which will have to be played before Christmas. Please keep this in mind.

How do people feel about a Sunday KO, 2/2.30pm ? Aware some of you coach on Sunday.

Please note ,there is a lunch this Saturday at the club , it's a Owls reunion , if you would like to attend please let myself or get in touch with 'Sara'. The local MP is coming at would be great to have a decent turn out for this .

2nd and 3rds will be looking for players so those fit please let me or Paul Holllingshead know over next few weeks.


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