Wednesday 28th august 2024 starting at 7.00pm at the club.
If you are receiving this email and are not sure of your current membership status please contract Stuart (Rugby Secretary) who can confirm your eligibility to vote.
As ever the rugby committee is always looking for club members to join our committee. You do not need to be an expert in rugby but have an interest in the wellbeing of the club. As a committee we work towards a common goal of improving our members’ experience at Vandals.
The following elected positions are vacant:
- Rugby Secretary
The following non-elected positions are also available:
- 1st XV Team Manager
- 2nd XV Team Manager
- Senior Fixture Secretary
- Communication Officer
- Press Officer
- Sponsorship Coordinator
If you are interested in filling any of the vacant positions, or would like some more information, please do not hesitate to contact Stuart (Rugby Secretary), where he can discuss any of the vacant roles and their key responsibilities.
All nominations for Elected positions need to be received no later than 21st August 2024, as per the club rules (Extracts below).
Rule 17
All members shall be entitled to propose resolutions to be voted upon at any Section AGM. Such resolution must be seconded by a member and must be deposited with the relevant Section Committee Chairman at least seven (7) days before the AGM takes place at which it is to be proposed to the members. The Section Committee Chairman will ensure that any such resolution is circulated to all members entitled to attend and vote at the relevant Section AGM in advance of that meeting.
Rule 28
Any Full Member may nominate another member to a position on each Section Committee. Any nomination must be seconded by another Full Member and signed by the nominee. The nomination must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 7 days before the Section AGM at which the election will be voted upon takes place. The Secretary will ensure that details of all nominations are circulated to the members before such general meeting.